Register now for a September 2024 start
AA’s is a student recruitment and education advice agency. We support students to look and apply for university pathways, bachelor's degrees, masters, pre-masters, pre-PHD and PHD, A levels, English language courses and summer school/camps for young learners within the UK, Dubai, Malta, Cyprus and Italy.
British Council Certied Agent
As a certified agent, we play a critical role in marketing UK education and supporting international students on their journey to the UK to ensure that they have an amazing international student experience.
ESOL Specialist Educator
Our founder is a highly qualified ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) with 20 years of experience within universities, colleges and community settings in the UK.
IELTS and SELT Expert
We specialise in offering guidance and support for the IELTS exam (International English Language Testing System) and SELT exams (Secure English Language Test).
We are the first contact point between the students and the institution, therefore, we endeavour to provide all the relevant information necessary to make the application process as straight forward as possible.
British Council certified agent and education advisor.
Partner institutions in the UK and around Europe.
Highly qualified and experienced ESOL, IELTS and SELT professional.
We offer professional support to students to help them find courses and institutions to match their needs and ambitions. As an agency, we provide affordable consultations, visa advice and IELTS or SELT guidance to ensure successful admission.
An introduction to different course options will be provided to all students. Support will be provided for application form completion and any supporting documentation.
University Placement
We will discuss all suitable options for students and which educational facilities will be best for them. We will help them choose from one of our partnered institutions.
Exam Guidance
Free exam support will be provided for all students undertaking IELTS and SELTS exams. We will also book the exams on behalf of students and provide additional guidance.
Register your interest via the contact us form and include what you would like to study.
An educational specialist will reach out after reviewing your form to schedeule a call.
Once your applications have been approved you can finally begin your learning journey!
Start your learning journey by registering your interest here